Saturday, 28 December 2013

Primordial longings
through colour glorious power -
a whiff of childhood.

Pastel, powder, pale,
pearl blue in the winter sky -
celestial artwork.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Grey veins, majestic
wisdom, crystal lore written
on stony pages.

Antique wooden shelves -
on family pictures, the
dust of memories.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Dark menacing clouds
dense sooty spirals haunting
desolate soulscapes.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Keeping my balance
on the edge of consciousness -
In a light blue frame
of glitters at sunset - the
pink skyline blazing.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Child's purest joy whilst
savouring breakfast - I sense
your frisky frailty.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Silvery quivers
brush the copper fresco of
autumnal sunset.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Softly penetrate,
fire up the sapphire depths of
your soul - love letters.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Bunch of gold asters -
mum and dad's contagious smiles
shine brighter today.
Vessels breach haloes
of vibrancy tracing trails
of trust - enchantments.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Shivery shimmers
in the shadows, silently

the waning moon smiles.
The wind ruffles the
sparse auburn mane of autumn,
shedding tears of gold.
This Haiku was posted on PureHaiku ( today!
your mouth is the bow
that prints its melodies on
the strings of my heart
© Claudia Messelodi 2013
At Dragonscale Clippings ( you can also find a review of my poetry collection "Variations" written by Freya Pickard, take a look! I feel so elated, thanks so much dear friend!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Bite Sized Blog Tour's third day at Dragonscaleclippings !

Wednesday Words – Excerpts from Variations of Sky and Soul

Welcome back to Claudia Messelodi’s Bite Sized Blog Tour…
Here are two of Claudia’s poems from “Variations of Sky and Soul”.
Nurturing notes
exhale out of the enticing bow,
into soothing verses,
let them resonate
as vibrating strings,
shaping a transcendent whole,
merged together
as the most perfect
union ever,
of music and words.
Mediterranean landscape
Sunbeams filter through
the peacock blue shades
of the olive tree branches;
luxuriant orange and lemon saplings,
exhaling sweetish fizzy fragrances;
smooth emerald green palm leaves,
swaying in the calm breeze
as freshening fans –
out of vermilion chilly bunches,
burst fireworks
of excitement and colour.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

My poetry collection "Variations" has been awarded the first place in the section "Impressionist poetry" of the National Poetry Award Leandro Polverini in Anzio, Rome!!!
Here is the explanation given by the panel of judges:

"L'Autrice scandaglia con penetrazioni lunghe, immagini impressionistiche, rimozioni strappate, ironia e caparbietà sofferta, l'unico mondo possibile laddove ci consegna un testo che, nella sua proteicità di forme, suscita un profondo interesse per il tentativo d'impostare un discorso capace di slegare dalla realtà, avviluppandoci ad un realismo mitico che è un luogo del tutto diverso e altrettanto concreto della realtà quotidiana."

 "Variations of Sky and Soul" is on its Bite Sized Blog Tour's second day. Please visit to find out more!

Wednesday Words – Introducing Variations of Sky and Soul

I would like to welcome Claudia Messelodi, the author of Variations of Sky and Soul. This is Claudia’s second collection of poetry to be published in 15 months.
Nature, its beautiful landscapes, the fragrances, hues and scents of its elements, inspired Claudia to write “Variations”. She tried to capture the rhythms of the natural world, its sounds and music, along with the brightness of its colours and chromatisms.
She found herself positively affected by the writing, uplifted by the throbbing sense of life and the vibrating energy exhaling out of words and phrases. Through this work, Claudia wanted to convey the mystery of life, the transient state of time and existence, the unveiling of interior truths, which, as violin notes, echo within the lyric poetry of nature.
She has no particular discipline when she writes. She just follows inspiration and listens to her interior voice. Claudia often writes late in the evening before falling asleep, when her family are in bed and silence and calm eventually reign in the house.
Claudia has been listening to a lot of classical music recently, as well as jazz music. The last book she read was a poetry collection entitled “Musik des Einsamen” (Music and Solitude) written by the German writer Hermann Hesse.
If you would like to find out more about Claudia and her poetry, before next week, please visit a stream of small stones Come back next Wednesday for some excerpts from Variations of Sky and Soul. If you would like to read one of the haiku from her collection, please visit purehaiku
© Freya Pickard 2013

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

This haiku has been posted today on PureHaiku (! I thank you heartily, Freya Pickard!!!
no more time for love
heavy inside my pocket, harsh
memory stones hurt.
© Claudia Messelodi 2013
My Bite Sized Blog Tour has started toaday on Dragonscale Clippings ( ! Here is a beautiful Cento Freya Pickard wrote about my poetry collection "Variations". Huge thanks, Freya, for hosting and supporting me so much!

Cento – Variations of Sky and Soul

my naked feelings
wounds turned into glass
as sharp swords
imprisoning one’s mind
the song of the leaves
tiny white petals cling to
my dreams, your touch feels so soft
enraptured fingers
pull back the curtains
as a reborn hope
© Freya Pickard 2013

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Di vita vibra
la furia di fantasie -
l'onda s'infrange.
Night chill - vitreous
streams through stiff veins; my choked words
spill solitude drops.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Vuoto - singhiozzi
in una plumbea notte
di luna piena.

Pelle bruciata -
ferite rattoppano
il mio dolore.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Papier d'ivoire à
côté d'un stylo - entre
nous, correspondances.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Distese in fiore,
trilli trasvolan cieli
tessendo tele.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

New Beginning - Tanka

Thorns out of my heart
I take deep breaths of crisp air,
chest tightness loosens.
Wading through soul's next season,
get ready for a new start.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

My haiku has been published on PureHaiku today!
Here is the link:
just before dawn – when
the moon fades, we listen to
the song of the leaves
© Claudia Messelodi 2013

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Waves and reflections,
on the shore our first kiss -
the moon the witness.

Friday, 16 August 2013

One of my poems "At the Seaside" has been recently published in the Anthology "Of Sun and Sand" edited by A.J.Huffman and A Salzano.
Here is the link:

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Teardrops from your eyes -
sparkles of diamond beads
spread in the night sky.
Deep blue night- wishes
I whisper to thousand pearl
bright eyes- shooting stars.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Ice blue ripples melt
nuances of emotions -
another goodbye.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Entangled in the
cobweb of the memory's
labyrinth - lost love.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Fragrance of ancient
times, stored in the soul closet -
kisses pot-pourri.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Memories blunted
by time - flowers pressed between
pages of a book.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Bright marble sphere rocks
my heart tides in an ocean
blue cradle - sweet moon.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Scarred soul's empty cry,
dumb sobs hurled against a deaf
leaden sky - full moon.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

This is a cinquain my friend Freya wrote for me about my poetry collection "Variations".
Thank you so much for your sincere wholehearted words!

poetry from
you to me, composed with
tears, read with joy; such soul notes from
a friend

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

 My poem Catharsis has been published on


Heavenly notes
touch hidden sides of the soul,
as hovering rose petals
skimming over your naked skin,
their scent and delicacy
healing your sorrows
making you quiver,
spilling from your cloudy eyes
marble teardrops,
which, as digging riveluts,
engrave their path
through the dusty layers of habits,
melt the clots of indifference
lying underneath,
set you free
from the fierce grip
of anxiety,
by turning it into
profound peace
inner fulfilment.


Note divine
raggiungono parti intime dell’anima,
come petali di rosa che volteggiano
sfiorando la mia pelle nuda;
il loro profumo e la loro delicatezza
arginano sofferenze,
fanno fremere,
lasciano sgorgare da occhi annebbiati
lacrime di marmo,
rivoli corrodenti,
che imprimono il loro percorso
attraverso i polverosi strati
delle abitudini,
fondendo i grumi
liberano dalla feroce
morsa dell’ansia,
trasformandola in pace interiore,
profondo appagamento.

Monday, 20 May 2013

 Today I have been featured on the blog of the 'zine EOTE!!! I thank EOTE so much, it is really an honour for me!

To find out more about EOTE, please have a look at


Featured Poet – Claudia Messelodi

In 2009, Claudia wrote her first poem Sky-blue Wisteria. In April 2010, we printed this poem in EoTE together with a beautiful photograph of the wisteria that inspired it. Since then, Claudia has had her poetry published, not only in EoTE, but also in a number of other publications.
In March 2012, Claudia released her first poetry collection, entitled “Sky-blue Wisteria”. In her review, Freya Pickard said this, “What I like about Claudia’s poetry is that it makes you think. It’s not disturbing but rather makes you pause and ponder, consider things on the edge of consciousness. “
In April 2013 she released her second poetry collection ” Variations of Sky and Soul”. This work has been described as “both heart-warming and heart-breaking”.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Today I'm taking part in 'What I Live For', an online event organised by author Satya Robyn. People like me all over the world will be sharing what gives their lives meaning.

What I Live For:

Wholehearted Love

Through blinding blizzards,
across misleading paths - still,
we walk side by side.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Scorched skin stigmata -
scraps of wounds like patches strewn
across my parched pain.
Sick heart, ailing soul -
from tough antique scars in rags
rose petals unfurl.
Jazz beats, blues expand
ravished body, raving moods -
rhythmic thoughts bouncing.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

My brand new poetry collection "Variations of Sky and Soul/Variazioni di Cielo e Anima" has just been published by Arcolibri Cazzaniga Editore!
The collection includes both Haiku and Elfje; there are also some poems in English with their Italian translation and several poems exclusively written in Italian.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Lucent ball breaks through
the pinaster's crown - I smile
while morning unfolds.
Ready to reach you,
just a matter of instants -
missing the last train.
Mind trip projections,
my spirit has flown too high -
wipe tears off my face.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Long streams flow into
the ineffable sea depths -
our ardent kiss;
sacredness goes beyond words,
we rely on our hearts.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Ivory vellum
paper's blank sheets by fine nibs -
the next epistle.
At the town fountain,
night sky canvas on water -
I take draughts of moon.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Icy pond at night -
going ice-skating on a
galaxy of stars.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

My life imprisoned
in the mesh of notes' cascades,
timeless dimension.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

On the broad stretches
of light, freshness and colour -
lemons laugh with joy.
Flowery fields in
the distance - motley patches
spread out in the sun.
My naked feelings
vulnerable as thin leaves -
flags torn by the wind.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Secret corner of
the room - childhood patiently
awaits my return.

A wounded heart knows
passion well - a pinched poppy
at the traffic edge.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Strings skimmed by angels,
holy notes pour on our
heads - fragments of sky.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Rows of rose bushes -
at the alley end, the house
front door asks us in.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Ice sheets float across
crystal surface - iron clouds'
drifting reflections.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Whispers of prayers
accompanied by the wind -
silent gathering.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Sunset scenery -
the sky has lit the river,
boats wrapped up in flames.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Flood shatters against
the deserted lighthouse, backed
up by the rainbow.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Wind gusts - through shaky
foliage on grey bent branches
Winter shines slightly.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Sunset - dark blue hues
seep on a flushed skyline, gleams
of hope faint away.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

 Lilac explosion,
scents spread around within a
frame of rustling green.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

In the wide heart fields
old passions got lost - scattered
around as poppies.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Eerie winter sky;
umbrellas shield our dreams
from a wind of change.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Ochre-powdered fire
ball hangs on a glacier blue
surface - winter sun.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Early Autumn noon -
a child plays with wooden sticks
amid leaves of time.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Pink white pale blue hues,
a sliver of winter sky
from the sunset pane.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Fierceness of the wind,
grieved trees bow - humpbacks on a
foggy winter day.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Winter breakfast - rich
white laid table at the glass
window, snow outside.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Sunrise, the landscape
is set on fire - roofs glow in
the sky's orange shades.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Sky's golden petals
quiver as kites in the wind -
the night curtain drops.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Loud applause in the
concert hall - on our joy
rose petals rain down.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Amidst dark branches
foreshortening of clear sky -
beams of auburn leaves.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Slivers of silver
shades shiver in the breeze on
shimmering birch twigs.